knowing, DO YOU? 案例上传


If you have any pleasurable experiences of sustainable ‘Acting’ and ‘Doing’, or interesting cases of ‘MISACT’, ‘MISMAKE’ or ‘MISDO’, please share that with us by uploading them into the sub-pages below.  Thank you!

如阁下有任何趣味性的”绿活”消费体验和环保小手作创意, 又或一些从日常生活中犮现到的不可持续的消费行为、创作和制作事例,  请上传于以下相关的案例库中以供分享。谢谢!
ACTING case upload 行为事例上传

DOING case upload 制作案例上传

MISMAKE cases upload 误创实例上传

MISACT case upload 误为事例上传

MISDO case upload 误制事例上传