Poster Sessions
Submission Guidelines | Session 1 | Session 2
Jump to: Philosophy | Neuroscience | Cognitive Sci & Psych | Physical & Biological Science | Experiential Approaches | Culture and the Humanities

Session 1
Quantum Consciousness: Lost in the Wood?
Rapparini, Ruggero
A defense of perceptual accounts of pain
Gottschling, Verena
Inverted Qualia is possible
Lin, Ying-Tung
The Quest for Quale: A Neurophilosophical Approach
Wang, Xiaoyang
Qualia: the language of consciousness
Voronov, Nikolay
Finding Possibilities to New Forms with the application of the Rapid Prototype Process
Lee, Joo Yeon Tamy
Can Access Consciousness Qualify as Computer Consciousness? Or, So What If My Computer Can’t Cry!
Wallace, J
Mental meaning and its embedding mechanism
Jing, Huaibin
SubQuantum Perspectives in the Penrose-Hameroff Model of Consciousness
Klein, Adrian
A Non-reductive Approach to the Problem of Mental Causation
Chien, Peng
Creating satisfied life with functionalistic approach
Okada, Taimei
Did Mary know all the physical facts?
Fei, Dingzhou
A mind working mechanism that rather develops experience of consciousness that is thought born with: The “three-rules” towards a conscious being
Li, Qishi

Convergence of Analytic and Mystical Approaches to Consciousness
Schayer, Eric
The Importance of Thoughts
Ossmann, Felix

Overcoming Pessimism About a Science of Consciousness Through a Better Understanding of 'Explanation'

Boyle, Noel
Macro- And Microcosms As The Different Levels Of Reflecting In Observer’s Consciousness
Isaeva, Elmira
Self-awareness and Mindreading
Zhu, Jing

Anticipatory Hyperscalar Evolution of the Self
Cottam, Ron
How do neurosciences challenge who we are?
Fernandes, Sara
The ‘eternal now’: Experience as a tool of personal world making in photography
Germen, Murat
Personal Identity and Mind Uploading
Katz, Bruce
On a Scientific Explanation for Volition Action
Piercey, Rodney
Revisiting the relationship between mind and genes as a first step towards understanding the origins of the contemporary human mind, its current functioning and problems
Tariq, Sadia
What’s Not Wrong with Intrinsicalism?
Yang, Jerry
Divinity – Representation of Supra Mental Patterns
Suri, Vicky
How aliens help us to embrace content internalism
Benda, Thomas


The Dream Machine: a history of stroboscopic-induced visual hallucinations
Ter Meulen, Bastiaan
The Application of Visual Metaphor in the Construction of Prototypical Knowledge Objects
McVittie, Fred
Optical Imaging Reveals a Different Action of GeneralvAnaesthesia on Selective Features of Transient Neuronal Assemblies in Rat Barrel Cortex
Devonshire, Ian
Elementary act of Consciousness or “Cycle of Mind”, Involving Distant and Nonlocal Interaction
Kaivarainen, Alex
Consciousness, Drugs and the Internet
Corazza, Omelia
Lack of correlation between ERK activation and receptor endocytosis induced by clonidine and guanfacine in native neocortical neurons
Wang, Qin
Two perceptual mechanisms: 1) Reverberations within the vitreous humour, and 2) Sequential entities generated above and moving over the cortex in “pulses”, both perfectly mimicking audition
Willis, Ashley
Biophotons Emission and EEG diagrams: A Computational Approach
Salari, Vahid


Cognitive Sci & Psych
Consciousness and Subconsciousness from a Physicist's Point of View
Klonowski, Wlodzimierz
Homeostatic Unconsciousness
Liu, Timon Cheng Yi
Incorporation of future events into dream content. Improving reliability of measurement by Computational Linguistic
De Pablos, Fernando
The Importance of Earlier Ideas
Osinski, Boleszek
Robot Dreams: Requirements for Synthetic Phenomenology and Intersubjectivity
Zebrowski, Robin
Multi Agent Model based on its Information States presenting there Consciousness for Physical Phenomenon-Information Paradigm and its Applications
Cerepnalkovska, D
Artificial Self Based On Collective Mind - Using Common Sense and Emotions Web-mining for Ethically Correct Behaviors
Rzepka, Rafal
Synergetic Tensor Network
Loo, Chu Kiong
The Conscious Experience: Consciousness Quotient (CQ) and Brazdau CQ Inventory (BCQI)
Brazdau, Ovidiu
Ischemic insults direct glutamate receptor subunit 2-lacking AMPA receptors to synaptic sites
Wan, Qi

Beyond consciousness and towards an integrated intelligence
Anthony, Marcus
Brain creativity, cognition and consciousness mathematical modeling based on discrete chaotic biochemical reactions dynamics of the neuronal networks
Gontar, Vladimir


Psychoenergetic computing systems and methods: introduction to U.S. Pat App 61/072,574.
Jungleib, Stanley
Life is motion of exoteric, polymeric, circulatory set of electron pair
Yang, Qing
Fire usage - A solid cognitive topic in Paleoanthropology
Suessenbacher, G
Towards an Understanding of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Reactions in Humans with Altered States of Consciousness
Thursfield, Clive
Inner states, Inner voices : Transpersonal consciousness and the creative arts
Cox, Desiree


Experiential Approaches
Psychedelics as Entheogens: How to create and guide successful sessions
Fadiman, James
Development of The Buddhist Mettã Scale in the Thai Factory Workers
Purananon, Doldao
Embodied Reason: the Mechanics of Spiritual Self-Generation in the English Versions of the Meditationes Vitae Christi
Taguchi, Mayumi
Transformation of Consciousness through the Practice of Yoga
Bleher, Siegfried
What Krishna meant?
Bajpai, Alok
Consciousness and the experience of spiritual communication
Leao, Frederico
Consciousness, Drugs and the Internet
Corazza, Omelia


Culture and the Humanities
On the nature of reflection
Wozniak, Katarzyna
Cosmic Consciousness The Culmination of Human Evolution
Rajendraprasad, D
Men,Poetically Living --- A Pursuit of Cultural and Social Harmony
Zhang, Patty
The Nine Categories and Eighty-One Basic Patterns Of The Human Personality Matrix
Brill, Michael
Why Animism Matters: Consciousness and Creativity in a Religious Form
Napier, David
Machine Detection of and Response to User Non-Conscious Thought Processes to Increase Usability, Experience and Satisfaction - Case Studies and Examples
Carrabis, J
What is the Ultimate Form of Communication
Nakatsu, Ryohei
My mind is all over my body
Girao, Luis Miguel
Mindful Teaching: Towards A More Conscious Pedagogy
Keiser, David



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